Teams & Conditions/Privacy Policy:

1. Every care has been taken in preparing the content of this website however Connecting You does not assume legal or other liability for inaccuracy, mistake or other errors. Information in this website is general information only and can change or lose relevance from time to time. It should not be relied on as a sole source of information. Users should make sure to evaluate the relevance, accuracy and completeness of the information given here before relying on this information in any important issues. Users should also get appropriate professional advice to help in their own particular situation.

2. None of the information in this website is intended for use as a medical diagnosis and should not be relied on for medical diagnosis or treatment of any ailment or condition. If you have a health worry you need to be treated by a qualified medical professional. Always speak to a medical professional before using a treatment for any health worry.

3. Connecting You and its information are not intended to be used as a substitute for advice and treatment from a qualified medical professional. An accurate health diagnosis can never be given over the Internet. You should never try to diagnose or treat a health worry with information given over the Internet.

4. Links to other websites and organisation contact details are shown for the convenience of the user and do not mean that Connecting You endorses the material of those sites, organisations or any associated service or product. The content of websites and organisations linked to Connecting You is out of our control. Users have the responsibility of making their own decisions about the reliability and accuracy of information found at other websites and organisations.

5. By accessing information on this website or linked to this website the user legally waives and releases Connecting You from any and all claims related to the usage of content available through the website. Connecting You cannot be held liable in any event for incident or consequential damages due to use of the content.

6. Whilst the information available in the app maybe useful for end-users in other countries, the app and the information contained within the app have been developed for and are aimed at users in the Republic of Ireland, with a particular focus on counties Cavan & Monaghan.